A downloadable game for Android

Prototype for Climate GO!

You might be pretty confused about how your virtual island is changing...

Here are some explanations:

Our environmental data calculations are not highly accurate, and we are exaggerating the effects of your travels on a global scale to reflect damages to the environment on a larger scale. So, taking a few long-distance car trips (like from LA to San Diego) might cause nasty environmental changes to your island.

Functional Mechanics Implemented so far:

  • Reactive Skybox that changes according to different pollution levels
  • Basic implementation of tree and animal spawning system
  • A basic vertical slice of the environmental gameplay with travel mechanics
  • Island scenery and beautiful corner
  • Island foundation layout as indicated from our concept art
  • Custom art assets and shaders
  • Location / travel-based mechanics that change your island data accordingly
  • Location searches with location services

Things that NEED Implementations:

  • Shop mechanics for planting fauna and spending green tokens
  • Better UI for displaying information
  • Saving / Loading for persistent save files
  • More animal behaviors and reactions to the environment
  • Fauna reactions to the environment

The prototype seems quite bare-boned because our team has been pretty busy this week. We will catch up and implement the missing features in the following production weeks and ensure our game comes out with the highest quality!

The prototype is only out for Android for now... The game will require you to enable location services and internet on your phone to work. 

We are NOT storing or sharing your data. 


climateGO.apk 189 MB

Install instructions

The download is an APK file, so please use Android to install it. Make sure to change your security settings to allow third-party apps!

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